Well, in the past week I did not accomplish what I had planned regarding my first goal: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments, more specifically- design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. I have become somewhat knowledgeable with some of the aspects of digital storytelling by conversing with one colleague in my building who is extremely tech-savvy. We have not been able to get together so he can actually show me how it works, and the fact that he just found out last week that he is being let go due to cutbacks makes it harder for me to ask him for assistance with this software. I still have to find the time to get together with two colleagues in the main building who also have experience with this software. One set back I had was that one of the administrators in my building asked me to administer pre-HSPA makeup’s for three days last week. I tried to get out of it because I am behind with my own students due to all the prepping that took place for this state testing. I was so happy when the original testing was completed, and then I had to be out of my room for an additional three days to administer the make ups. Then to top it all off, my cell phone was stolen and I had to report it to administration and then fill out a police report with one of our police officers, so it has been a bit hectic since last week. I did look for workshops with the help of one of my fellow English teachers, but there were none in the way of digital storytelling, but I will continue to check on workshops, and I will also be on the lookout for workshops that are offered through our school technology department. Something is wrong with the computer in my classroom, so I filled out a technology work order to have it looked at, and when the technician comes to fix it, I am going to talk to ask him if he knows about any upcoming workshops on digital storytelling. Next week I really need to get up to the main building and talk with my upper level English teacher cohorts! Even though I know they would all be more than willing to accommodate me, I know everyone is extremely busy, and I am terrible about asking for help. I do not think I need to modify my plan; I just need to set time aside to learn about the software.
My second goal: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility, and more specifically-advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources has also taken a back seat due to all the craziness. I have spoken to the school librarian and she is willing to help me with a presentation I would like to give my students. She is well informed about teaching internet safety, and she has the best sites for teaching students how to cite properly and giving credit where credit is due. She informed me that we subscribe to specific websites such as Noodletools, and she will be more than willing to give a presentation to all of my classes. I also received an abundance of information regarding specific websites to investigate from fellow Walden student, HanNa Chung. She informed me about a website by the name of Netsmartz. She gave me a website that tells about real life stories regarding Internet Safety, and also an Internet Safety Video that can be shown to students, so I am planning on bringing my students to the library to view these videos and listen to what the librarian has to say about internet safety as well. If time allows, the librarian and I will then show my students how to work Noodletools, so they will learn how to cite properly. I am very excited about implementing some new technology tools into my classroom, but I need to plan my time better so I can accomplish my goals. Here is to a less hectic week ahead!
International Society for Technology in Education. (2011). NETS for teachers 2008. Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/standards/nets-for-teachers/net-for-teachers-2008.aspx
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
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